We are INCREDIBLY excited to announce our guest speaker who will lead time in the Word during our first ever "The Garden" meeting: Kristen (Rupert) Lanier!

Kristen is a founding mother of Theta Alpha. She has also served as the first National Chaplain and as a local Chaplain in the Beta Chapter at UF (class of 2009). After graduation, she pursued ministry work in the local church, served a term overseas in South Africa, and then happened upon Christian higher education, which is where she met her husband and spent 12 years serving in Campus Life, Events, and Communications. In 2016, they moved to Kansas City, Missouri for her husband to attend Midwestern Seminary. Last summer, her husband took a pastorate at a church outside of Raleigh, North Carolina, so they moved across the country, and she now works remotely for a missions agency, Upstream Sending, and gets to be at home with her kiddos. She is the mom to 3 beautiful kiddos - Ingrid (4), Titus (2), and George (8 months).
The Theta Alpha National Board invites you to join us July 29, 2024 at 7pm for our first gathering in “The Garden!”, a new semi-annual virtual gathering of Theta Alpha sisters. We could not be MORE thrilled to have Kristen join us and spend time in God's Word with us.
“The Garden” will be held virtually via video conferencing. If you plan to attend “The Garden,” please fill out the following registration form no later than July 28, 2024. The link to join will be sent July 29 to the email you used during registration.
We hope that you will consider joining us for "The Garden" next week to fellowship together and hear more about our present and future plans for our sisterhood and ministry. If you have any questions, please direct emails to our National Alumnae Chairwoman, Brooke, at alumnaechairwoman@thetaalpha.org or our National Board President, Lindsay, at president@thetaalpha.org.